There are 365 (+/-) days in the year.
In no single day will 6 billion people be simultaneously pissed off.
In no single day will 6 billion people be simultaneously ecstatic.
In no single day will 6 billion people be simultaneously [fill in emotional verb].
Isn't it strange to know that no matter what the day brings 6 billion people will not share the experience?
Some experiences just shouldn't be shared.
Okay, you were wondering the point of this little exercise:
With that many crazy bastards running around, I harbor no delusions that animosity and long-bred hatreds might dissipate in my life time. Yet, I feel it necessary to remind folks (yes, you, you crazy bastard, and me, too):
- We cannot "all just get along" because we're coming at social life from 6 billion perspectives and 6 billion "I am right" perspectives leave little room for discussion.
- What we can do? Tend our own gardens, mind our own business, and leave other people the hell alone.
perpetuating the cycle,
invading each others' lives,
criminalizing harmlessness,
breeding contempt,
creating superiority and inferiority complexes
vying as sheep within military-industrial complexes,
getting technologically intelligent and
common sense stupid.
I tell you, it's not up to me and it is not up to you; it is up to 6 billion of us. But, it starts with two.
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