Welcome to Finley Experience

This website is dedicated to LGBT folks who are surviving in this crazy world.

What's good for one isn't necessarily good for another.

Attempting to control the hearts and souls of the masses through force and injustice only forces the seeds of dissension to grow. History has taught this lesson repeatedly. Perhaps, we'll learn the lesson this time.

25 October 2008

Fall Break Over, KSCL 91.3 DJing and AROHO Grant

Wow. The with the passing of Fall Break the reality of being mid-way through my first semester of college has fully hit me. I'm not dreaming of being a college student. I am a college student. Ten years of waiting has paid off...I'm in school! And crazily, through going to school I have achieved my 12 year dream of becoming a radio DJ--through Centenary's student run radio station KSCL 91.3FM. Meanwhile, I have been steadily working on a grant proposal for A Room of Her Own Foundation. AROHO grant-gift is designed to help a woman writer to work on a project of scope, which has a community benefit. Keep your fingers, toes, legs and anything else crossed for me...this proposal is the first time I've ever applied for a grant and the deadline is fast approaching!

There is so much going on...with all of us...I hope that the dreams you have come to fruition. But remember, they wont just happen, you have to put forth the energy to make them come true. Never give up on a Dream. After all, it just might not be time yet!

Some Nights by FUN

(*Please Note: We the People of the United States of America are citizens of a Constitutional Republic, a.k.a. The Republic. We are not a direct democracy like some believe. By the Constitution, we are a Representative Democracy. We elect representation to defend the Constitution and the People. We placed our faith with government in the people, not in monarchs, not in career politicians, but in the People.

You want changes? Then, it is time for you to take an active interest in the good of the Republic. Do not leave governance to career politicians. Run for office. Vote for third, fourth, and fifth parties.)

This November vote them all out!
Clean Out Congress or Bust!

Take Me to Church by Hozier

* 26 JUNE 2015 * LGBT Rights Victory *
read the Supreme Court's opinion:


What Would the Dude Do?