Welcome to Finley Experience

This website is dedicated to LGBT folks who are surviving in this crazy world.

What's good for one isn't necessarily good for another.

Attempting to control the hearts and souls of the masses through force and injustice only forces the seeds of dissension to grow. History has taught this lesson repeatedly. Perhaps, we'll learn the lesson this time.

28 August 2010

Week One of 2010-11 School Year at Centenary College

Hey All!

Well, we hit the ground running and the school year is off like a maniac horse chomping at the bit to make circles round the track. Whooo Hoooo! I have no idea how complicated I have made my life by taking 18 hours this semester, but, if not for self-inflicted complication, what else would I have to struggle for? As the Army dudes say, "Hoorah!" And as we sailors say, "huh? Hells yeah, man! I mean sir!"

Okay folks, I know you're wondering how this semester's line up reads, so, here you go: Seminar in the Novel, Women's Literature, Latin 2, Design Communication, History (Independent Study w/focus on Ancient Roman Non-Traditional Women), and now, if you please, imagine the stereotypical drumroll...Introduction to Biblical Hebrew!

I know, I'm giddy. So, silly.
(Remember this blog when I'm whining later!)

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Some Nights by FUN

(*Please Note: We the People of the United States of America are citizens of a Constitutional Republic, a.k.a. The Republic. We are not a direct democracy like some believe. By the Constitution, we are a Representative Democracy. We elect representation to defend the Constitution and the People. We placed our faith with government in the people, not in monarchs, not in career politicians, but in the People.

You want changes? Then, it is time for you to take an active interest in the good of the Republic. Do not leave governance to career politicians. Run for office. Vote for third, fourth, and fifth parties.)

This November vote them all out!
Clean Out Congress or Bust!

Take Me to Church by Hozier

* 26 JUNE 2015 * LGBT Rights Victory *
read the Supreme Court's opinion:


What Would the Dude Do?