Welcome to Finley Experience

This website is dedicated to LGBT folks who are surviving in this crazy world.

What's good for one isn't necessarily good for another.

Attempting to control the hearts and souls of the masses through force and injustice only forces the seeds of dissension to grow. History has taught this lesson repeatedly. Perhaps, we'll learn the lesson this time.

26 July 2014

RIP Yahoo! Voices: Another Writing Platform Gone

Dear Readers,

I apologize for not getting this out to you earlier. Yahoo! is closing their website Yahoo! Contributor Network (Yahoo! Voices, formerly Associated Content). This means that the internet community is losing another user generated content platform. Fortunately, Yahoo! has made it easy for content producers (peeps like me) to download their work. If you're a content producer follow these steps to recover your work before July 31st, 2014 (the date the site goes dark).

1.) Log in to Yahoo! Contributor Network from the Yahoo! home page or go to: contributor.yahoo.com
2.) Click on the "Content" tab
3.) Click on first piece (article, etc.), in the pop up window click "download".
4.) Choose where to save your work. Don't forget to rename the file. Yahoo! uses a generic title.
5.) Repeat for all your work.

This year we've lost a handful of publishing platforms in both print and electronic formats. From the ashes, new publishers are rising. I wish them luck!

Stay tuned for updates on new publishing opportunities as well as more information on where I'll house the content formerly found on Yahoo! and Helium. This also means that there will be dead links in some of my earlier posts. If you find any, please leave a comment. Thank you.

Pax et Poema!

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Some Nights by FUN

(*Please Note: We the People of the United States of America are citizens of a Constitutional Republic, a.k.a. The Republic. We are not a direct democracy like some believe. By the Constitution, we are a Representative Democracy. We elect representation to defend the Constitution and the People. We placed our faith with government in the people, not in monarchs, not in career politicians, but in the People.

You want changes? Then, it is time for you to take an active interest in the good of the Republic. Do not leave governance to career politicians. Run for office. Vote for third, fourth, and fifth parties.)

This November vote them all out!
Clean Out Congress or Bust!

Take Me to Church by Hozier

* 26 JUNE 2015 * LGBT Rights Victory *
read the Supreme Court's opinion:


What Would the Dude Do?